Thursday, February 9, 2017

Admission Guidelines for KV Schools


Latest guidelines from local KV Sites :


General Instructions

1. The mere appearance of a child’s name in the lists published will not confer him/her any right to admission. The child should be eligible as per the KVS admission guidelines. The admission will be granted only if the child is found eligible after final verification of relevant details.

2. It is the responsibility of the parents concerned to report to the undersigned on the prescribed date and time mentioned in the LIST. No personal intimation will be sent to the candidates.
Candidates failing to report to the undersigned on the prescribed time and date will forfeit their claim for admission.

3. The child should be invariably present on the date of interview/admission along with their father/mother.

4. DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED at the time of admission.

a)     Certificate of Proof of age in the form of a birth certificate issued by the authority competent to register births.
b)    Certificate that the child belongs to the scheduled caste/scheduled Tribe issued by the competent authority(If Applicable)
c)     A certificate from the civil surgeon/rehabilitation centre certifying the child to be physically challenged.(If Applicable)
d)    Certificate of proof of residence, any one of the following
            1. Ration card
            2. Voter’s Id
            3. Driving licence
e)     Self Declaration from the parent for distance from school to residence.
f)      Certificate stating that the child is the only girl to the parent(no other child) , from the competent authority.(If Applicable)
g)     A copy of BPL(Below Poverty Line) Card issued by the competent authority of state government in case of the child belongs to economically weaker section(EWS).
h)    A certificate of retirement for uniformed Defence Employees.



                                                                             (Mr. E.Kanthimathinathan)


1.     In supersession to all guidelines that have been issued governing admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas, the following guidelines are issued to regulate admissions in the Vidyalayas with effect from the academic session 2011-12.     
2.    Definitions
       Unless the context suggests otherwise, the definition of the following terms would be as below :-  
(i)        Central Government EMPLOYEES : an employee who draws his emoluments from the consolidated fund of India.
(ii)       TRANSFERABLE : An employee who has been transferred at least once in the preceding 7 years shall be deemed to be transferable.  
(iii)      TRANSFER : an employee would be treated as transferred only if he/she has been transferred by the competent authority from one place/urban agglomeration to another place/urban agglomeration which is at a distance of at least 20 kms.  
(iv)      Autonomous bodies / Public Sector Undertakings : Organizations which are fully financed by the government or where the government share is more than 51 per cent would be deemed to be autonomous bodies/ public sector undertakings.
Each section of each class would have a maximum student strength of 40 for the purpose of fresh admissions. However, in class I, it would be 41.

Note:- 05 additional admissions can be granted to the children of  transferable employees coming on transfer after  the registration process.  In KVs established in projects/Institutes of Higher Learning, employees of projects/Institute of Higher Learning would be covered under this provision.
These admissions can be granted between 10th of August and 30th of September.
The following priorities shall be followed in granting admissions:-         
(I)          Kendriya Vidyalayas under Civil/Defence Sector :
1. Children of transferable and non-transferable central government employees including ex- servicemen.
2.     Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of  Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertaking/Institute of Higher Learning of the Government of India.
3.    Children of transferable and non-transferable State Government employees.
4.    Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/ Public Sector Undertakings/Institute of Higher Learning of the State Governments.
5.    Children from any other category.  
Note:  Admission will be granted based on the numbers of transfers of the parents as per the existing procedure.  The parents of non-transferable Central Govt. Employees including ex-servicemen will be considered after exhausting all transferable employees including ex-servicemen with minimum one transfer.  The same is true in other categories.

(b)    Kendriya Vidyalayas under Public Sector Undertakings/  InstituteS of Higher Learning :
1.             Children and grand children of employees of the Public Sector Undertakings/Institutes of Higher Learning which finance the concerned Kendriya Vidyalayas fully;
2-6        The priorities given for Kendriya Vidyalayas under Civil/Defence sector will follow in the same sequence, thereafter. 

4.        Eligible age for admission  
a.           A child must be 5 years old on 31st March in the academic year in which admission is being sought for admission to class I and for admission to class II the age must be 6 years. For class III age must be 7 years and for class IV age must be 8 years as on 31st March, 2011.  For remaining classes, the eligible age will be calculated as on 30th September of the Academic year.
b.            An upper age limit for admission is fixed as the minimum age limit plus two years. No child would be eligible for admission in a class, if
the age is more than the maximum age prescribed. The maximum
age would be further relaxed by two years for handicapped children only.
All such cases will be disposed of at the level of the Principal. Minimum and  maximum age for the session 2011-12 are given below :

MINIMUM AGE ON 31ST                   MAXIMUM AGE ON 31st
MARCH OF THE YEAR                         MARCH OF THE YEAR IN
IN WHICH ADMISSION IS SOUGHT                                           WHICH ADMISSION IS    
5 years
7 years
6 years
8 years
7 years
9 years
8 years
10 years

MINIMUM AGE ON 30TH SEPTEMBER OF THE YEAR IN WHICH                                    MAXIMUM AGE ON 31st

MAXIMUM AGE ON 30TH SEPTEMBER OF THE                                           MAXIMUM AGE ON 31st
YEAR IN WHICH                                       MARCH OF THE YEAR IN

9 years
11 years
10 years
12 years
11 years
13 years
12 years
14 years
13 years
15 years
14 years
16 years

C.      There is no age restriction for admission to class XI provided the concerned child is seeking admission in the year of passing the class X examination. Similarly there will be no upper & lower age limit for admission to class XII provided there has been no break in the continuous study of the child after passing class X/XI.
D.     Requirement of maximum/minimum age for admission will not be applicable for children of officials of the Indian Embassy in Kendriya Vidyalayas located abroad.

5.    Method of admission    

    A. In Class I (RTE Act 2009 – section 12(1)(c) ) (See Annexure –V)

           To fulfil the constitutional mandate of reservation to SC/ST and also to implement the provisions of RTE Act under Rule 12(1) c following procedure shall be adopted for admission to class I (with class strength of 41).

           Step I             All applications received, shall be scrutinized and separated in following bunches:-
i)                                                     All general category candidates including disabled of the same category.
ii)            All SC candidates including disabled.
iii)          All ST candidates including disabled.
iv)           All other candidates belonging to other disadvantaged group like economically weaker sections socially weaker sections including disabled.

Step I            I (Admission to 25% of seats)      

(a)          All applications of (ii) above shall be taken for draw of lots and 6 candidates (15%) will be selected by draw of lots.
(b)         All applications of (iii) above shall be taken for draw of lots and 3 candidates (7.5%) will be selected by draw of lots.
(c)          For remaining 1 seat all applications of (iv) above as well as disabled children belonging to all categories will be taken for draw of lots.  Unsuccessful disabled children belonging to SC/ST  category will be included in this draw of lots.

Step I            II     Remaining 31 (75%) seats shall be filled up by KVS’ own system of admission based on priority categories of employees treating all candidates as general category candidates (unsuccessful of step II - a, b & c will also be included).  Out of these 31 seats, 1 seat will go to disabled child of General Category as the same is due against 3% horizontal reservation.  01 candidate shall be granted admission over and above the class size to ensure that presently available 31 seats to General Category candidates remain intact.

Enhanced reservation based on census

All such civil sector Kendriya Vidyalayas that are not notified for para-military forces, shall have reservation equivalent to their population as given in Annexure IV of Admission Guidelines.  In such cases all this quota of SC/ST shall be adjusted against the seats available for admission under section 12(1)(c).  In such cases, the number of seats under this section shall be increased to make up the shortfall so as to meet the requirement of SC/ST quota.  For example, in a civil sector KV, if the reservation for SC is 25% and for ST 7.5%, then 10 seats will be granted to SC candidates and 3 to ST candidates.  In the same manner, as described in Step I above. 

Remaining seats shall be filled up by following KVS’ existing method.

If required number of candidates of disadvantaged group and weaker section do not register in 1st spell of registration then a second notification for calling of applications will be issued in 1st week of April and applications will be received till 10th of April.  All admissions from the applications received against 2nd notification will be completed by 15th of April.  If still the quota remains unfilled, it will remain as such and shall not be de-reserved at any stage. However, admission will be granted to the candidates belonging to disadvantaged group and weaker section against unfilled seats as and when they approach till 15th July 2011.


If seats belonging to SC/ST (within 25% quota) remain unfilled even after 2nd notification, the same can be filled by candidates from weaker sections but cannot be filled by General category candidates at any stage.
6.  (A)   admission test    
Class II to VIII : No admission test shall be conducted for admission to
class II to VIII.  All applications received shall be divided into 5 categories in order of priority to the extent vacancies are available. When a stage is reached that the list of one category can not be fully accommodated for admission, the remaining seats shall be filled by draw of lots from the same category of candidates.
 (B)     CLASS  IX - For admission to this class, an admission test shall be conducted and a merit list prepared for each category of priority separately. Admission shall be granted in order of merit going by the sequence of the categories as prioritized in Para 3. 
(i)        Candidates securing less than 33% marks in any subject shall not be eligible for admission irrespective of their category in the priority unless provided otherwise in these guidelines;.            
(ii)       Admission test shall be conducted in the following subjects :
Hindi, English, Math, Social Studies and Science.
(iii)      Concession up to five marks can be given for deficiency in language (Hindi & English), if adequate numbers of candidates fail to qualify in the admission test. However, an assurance would be required in writing from the parents that the language deficiency in the child will be removed within the academic session.            
(iv)      Students belonging to SC/ST will be eligible for admission on securing 25% in aggregate.  However, an  assurance would be required in writing from the parents that the  deficiency of the child will be removed within the  academic session.
(C)       Admissions to class X & XII will be entertained subject to availability of vacancies. Such  admission to class X and XII  will be  considered by the Assistant Commissioner of the region concerned, only if, the average strength in class X/ XII is below 40.    

Eligibility conditions for X and XII are given below:
i)             The child has been in the same course of studies i.e. in a
 CBSE-affiliated school.   
ii)           The child must have obtained not less than 5.5 CGPA in class IX  (CGPA be calculated as per formula applied by CBSE in class X). For admission to class XII 50% marks in   class XI examination is a must.
iii)           The child should OTHERWISE be eligible as per KVS admission guidelines.
iv)          The combinations of subjects are available in Kendriya Vidyalayas.

            Fresh admissions would be made after accommodating all the eligible students of the same KV in the entitled stream and thereafter other KVs. Fresh admission for remaining vacancies would be made in order of merit in the sequence of categories of priority on the basis of the board results of class X. There would be no fresh admission in class XI over and above the class strength. Admissions in different streams for children seeking admission from KVs & non-KVs would be made on fulfilment of the following requirements:
                                    The cut off Grade and CGPA for admissions in Science, Commerce & Humanities streams would be as under:

                                     i.                                    Science Stream

(i)  Science with Mathematics
  (a) A Minimum of C1 GRADE  in Maths
  (b) A Minimum of C1 GRADE in Science
  (c) Average Grade point in Maths & Science taken together must be 6.5
  (d) A Minimum of 6.0 CGPA

(ii)                                  Science without Maths

Science without mathematics may be allowed if the student has secured C1 GRADE in Science with at least 6.0 CGPA

                                    ii.                                    Commerce Stream.

  (a)  A minimum of 5.4 CGPA
  (b) Mathematics can be offered with Commerce if the student has obtained a minimum of C1 GRADE in Mathematics.

                                   iii.                                    Humanities Stream

 All students of Kendriya Vidyalayas if they are declared successful by the CBSE would be given admission.  However, Humanities with mathematics can be offered if at least C1 GRADE is  obtained in Mathematics.

                     Computer Science / Bio-Technology, wherever available as an elective subject is to be offered to students of Science Stream and admission would be granted as per combined merit list. Multi-media & Web-Designing Technology (wherever available) as elective subject may be offered to students of all the streams (Commerce, Humanities & Science)

Following concessions will be allowed for admission to Science                   and Commerce streams.      

a)         Students belonging to SC/ST would be given upgradation by one grade in two subjects wherever required. CGPA may be enhanced by 0.4 for the purpose of admission to class XI Science/Commerce Stream.
b)        The following concession will be granted to students for admission who participated in Games & Sports meet/Scouting & Guiding/NCC/Adventure activities at various levels. The certificate needed for this purpose can be of any preceding years. 
Sports & Games
Scouting/  Guiding
Adventure Activities for admission to Science/ Commerce stream
Concession of marks
Participation at SGFI or equivalent level.
‘A’ certificate and participation in Republic/PM Rally
Rashtrapati Puraskar award certificate
0.8 points in CGPA
Participation at KVS National/ State level
‘A’ certificate and best Cadet in distt/State level
Rajya Puruskar award certificate with 07 proficiency badges.
0.6 points in CGPA
Participation at KVS Regional/ District  Level
‘A’ certificate
Tritiya sopan certificate with 05 proficiency badges
Participation in at least one 10-days adventure activity
0.2 points in CGPA

Maximum concession under Sports / Games / NCC / Scout / Guide/Adventure will not exceed 0.8 points in CGPA .In case of eligibility for more than one concession under different categories as mentioned at (a)  and (b) above, only one concession having maximum advantage to the candidate will be allowed.

(c)   Admission of non eligible children of Embassy Officers in all Kendriya Vidyalayas abroad in class XI will be decided by the Commissioner, KVS on case to case basis
 (d)     Principal may admit children to class XI only up to the permitted class strength.
 (e)     A student who was earlier not found eligible for admission to a particular stream may be allowed fresh admission to a particular stream in class XI in the next academic session, if he/she improves his/her performance within one year from the same Board.
                        In case of two or more candidates obtaining equal CGPA ( overall indicative percentage of marks ) the inter-se-merit of such candidate may be determined as follows.

                        For Science based Course.

1.             Candidates obtaining higher CGPA  ( indicative percentage of marks)  in one compulsory language ( Better of English/Hindi) Mathematics and Science.

                                    For Commerce based courses with Mathematics.

2.            Candidates obtaining higher CGPA  ( indicative percentage of marks)  in one compulsory language ( Better of English/Hindi) Mathematics and Science /Social Science
For Commerce based courses without  Mathematics.

3.            Candidates obtaining higher CGPA  ( indicative percentage of marks)  in one compulsory language ( Better of English/Hindi) Mathematics and Science &Social Science
  For Humanities based Course

4.            Candidates obtaining higher CGPA  ( indicative percentage of marks)  in one compulsory language ( Better of English/Hindi) Social Science & 2nd language.


A)   15% seats for Scheduled Caste and 7.5% for Scheduled Tribes shall be reserved in all fresh admissions.  However, for schools in civil sector except those meant for para military forces the percentage of reservation of seats shall be equal to the percentage of SC/ST population in the State/UT subject to the minimum of national average (i.e. 15% for SC and 7.5% for ST) and maximum SC and ST taken together) limited to 50%.  Based on these formulations, the percentage of reservation for civil sector Kendriya Vidyalayas except those meant for para military forces in different States/UTs shall be strictly as per annexure-IV. 
B.      3% seats will be horizontally reserved for physically handicapped children - blind, orthopedically and hearing impaired etc.

Horizontal reservation would mean that 3% of 15% would be reserved for handicapped children of SC, 3% of  7.5% would be reserved for handicapped children of ST and 3% of 77.5% would be reserved for handicapped children of general categories.

8.     Special PROVISIONS:

The following special provisions will be operative for admission  w.e.f.  academic session 2011-12 :

following categories of children would be admitted over and above the class strength except where stated otherwise in the provision itself (e.g. Item No. XV).

                        I.    The children and dependent grand children of Hon’ble Members of Parliament.
                      II.    Children and Grand children (children of son or / and daughter) of serving and retired KVS employees.
                   III.    Children of Central Government employees who die in harness.
                     IV.    Children of recipients of Paramveer Chakra, Mahavir Chakra, Veer Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Kirti Chakra & Shourya Chakra.
                        V.    Children of recipients of President’s Police medal for gallantry & Police medal for gallantry.
                     VI.    Meritorious sports children who have secured I, II & III position in SGFI/CBSE/National/State level games organized by the Government.

                  VII.    Recipients of Rashtrapati Puraskar in Scouts & Guides.
        VIII  Single girl children in class I and from class VI onwards subject to a maximum of two per section in class I and two per class in class VI and onwards.
  IX     Children who are recipients of National Bravery Award , or of Balshree Award instituted by National Bal Bhawan.
X      Children whose parents are a teacher, and is a recipient of National Award for teachers.
XI    Children who have shown special talent in Fine Arts and have been recognized at the National or State level.
XII   100 children of employees of the Ministry of HRD would be admitted every year on orders issued by the   KVS (HQ).  “ In case adequate applications for admission of children of employees of the Ministry of HRD are not available, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan may nominate additional names upto the prescribed limit to ensure full utilization of this provision.”
XIII  60 admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas located anywhere in India and 15 children, in hostels in Kendriya Vidyalayas , of employees of the Ministry of External Affairs would be admitted each year on orders issued by KVS (HQ). These would be subject to the following conditions for the two categories :-
(i)    60 admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas located anywhere in India be utilized exclusively for children returning from abroad along with their parents after their posting. Seats under this provision remaining unutilized at the time of normal admissions will remain as such and will be utilized for children who return to India after the beginning of the academic session and up to 30th September. Children who return to India after 30th September would be considered for admission up to 30th  November along with other priority category I children. No special consideration will be given to MEA staff under this priority. All these admissions will be subject to the condition that not more than 5 children would be admitted in one school in a year and that the children would be submitting a transfer certificate of a school abroad, in which they had been studying prior to seeking admission in a KV. All admissions under this provision will stop once the quota for special provisions is completed for concerned classes.
(ii15 seats for admission in hostels in Kendriya Vidyalayas would be allotted to the children whose parents are going abroad on a posting to station, which does not have adequate educational facilities. The required information in this respect would need to be given by the Ministry of External Affairs.

XIV     15 children of the employees of the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) would be admitted on orders to be issued by the KVS Hqrs.  Of these, a maximum of 5 seats would be given in Delhi and the remaining would be outside Delhi.
XV      05 seats in each section of class I and 10 seats in all other classes put together  will be reserved every year for the children of the sponsoring agency in all schools except those specifically notified otherwise by the Commissioner. The wards of deceased employees of Public Sector Undertakings who have died while in service may also be included under this quota. In Civil Sector schools sponsored by State Govt., the children of State Govt. employees would come under this provision. Similarly in Defence/ Project/ Institution of Higher Learning sector schools only the children belonging to employees working in these sectors would come under this provision.  Admission to class I would be within the approved class strength while for other classes it would be over and above class strength.
XVI     Chairman, Vidyalaya Management Committee can recommend maximum two admissions in the concerned Kendriya Vidyalaya under his discretionary quota. These two admissions may be recommended in one class or all classes put together except classes X & XII.
  XVII Wherever land has been sponsored by DDA for Kendriya Vidyalayas located in Delhi, admission to children of regular DDA employees would be restricted to 5 seats per section in class I and 5 seats in all other classes put together. Admission in class I would be within the approved strength of the section while for other classes this would be over and above the class strength.
                  XVIII.  Each Hon’ble  Member of Parliament can refer two cases for admission under Special Dispensation in an Academic year in Kendriya Vidyalaya(s) located within the Parliamentary Constituency of the concerned Lok Sabha MP for eligible children belonging to the constituency.  Rajya Sabha MP can recommend admission in any KV located within the state from which he/she stands elected.  The parents of the children who are being recommended should belong to the constituency either by domicile or on account of exigencies of services. Recommendations can be made for any of the classes except pre primary and X & XII.
                                 The admissions recommended under this clause will be regulated in the following manner:-
a.            These admissions would be made in the beginning of academic year and no admission would be made after the prescribed cut off date as applicable for general admissions i.e. 15th  July.
b.            Recommendations can be made for any of the classes except pre primary and X & XII.
c.            The recommendations are subject to the eligibility of the child in respect of age and fitness in the admission test to be conducted by Kendriya Vidyalaya for one class lower than the class for which recommendations have been made. Admission test will be conducted only for admission in class IX.
d.            The recommendations to be made by the Hon’ble Members of Parliament shall be valid only if they are made in the format prescribed (Annexure-III). Recommendations once made would be final and would not be subject to change. (87th MEETING OF BOG DATED 06.05.2010) 

9.         CLASS  STRENGTH  (87th MEETING OF  BOG  DATED 06.05.2010)

(A) Fresh admission can be done in each section of each class up to 40 (41 in Class I). Such admission would be done up to 15th  of July.  05 more students could be admitted in each section/class between 16th July  to 30th September provided such candidates are the wards of Central Govt. employees belonging to category-I.  In addition to the children of parents transferred during the year, the children of parents belonging to Cat.I transferred during previous years will also be considered eligible for admission if seats are available after accommodating the children of category – I parents transferred during the particular academic session.  This provision will be available to the employees of Project/Higher Learning Institute in KVs sponsored by them.

Note: The total number of 31 seats presently available to the candidates of General Category shall be ensured to remain intact by making up the short fall by granting them admission over and above the class size equivalent to the number by which they fall short after granting admission to the candidates of disadvantaged group and weaker sections under section 12(1)(c) of RTE Act and after granting admission to reserve quota of SC/ST in order of priority categories as described in para 5 above.

                       (B) CHANGE OF SHIFT (26TH AAC DT 19.4.05 RATIFIED BY 73RD BOG MEETING DT. 08.07.05
                        Students already admitted in second shift can switch over to first shift or first shift students to second shift with the approval of Vidyalaya Management Committee only. The VMC before granting approval must examine the merit of each case provided the enrolment in each section of the Kendriya Vidyalaya does not violate the prescribed norm of  class strength as mentioned. As such cases pertaining to change of shift will not be referred to KVS(HQ) for consideration.

10.     schedule and procedure for ADMISSION:  
(I) An advertisement shall be issued by the Regional Office in the local newspapers at the cluster level in the 1st week of February giving the admission schedule for registration etc. and inviting children to have themselves registered for admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas. This advertisement should specifically indicate that admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas are not restricted to Central Govt. employees and are open to all, only certain priorities have been laid down as per which children of different categories would receive priority in admission. The reservations for SC,   ST and Physically Handicapped should also be indicated (As per RTE Act 2009).
(II) There will be no distinct dates for sale of forms and registration of children. Both these activities shall proceed together. The admission schedule for the year 2011-12 will be as under :-

                               A. FIRST ROUND OF ADMISSION
Advertisement for admission by Regional offices
Second week of Feb. 2011
Sale of Forms & Registration(except class XI)*
 15 Feb. 2011 onwards
Last date of Registration for class I and other classes

(except class XI)
20-03-2011(2 PM TO 5 PM)

Admission test for class IX
07-04-2011 to 09-04-2011
Declaration of list & admission for class I
25-03-2011 TO 31-03-2011
Declaration of list class II onwards
Admission class II onwards
21-04-2011 to 23-04-2011
Registration for class XI*
Within 20 days after declaration of Board results
Display of list & Admission for class XI
Within 27 days after declaration of Board results
Last date of Admission
Admission accorded by Commissioner, KVS for the wards of Central Govt./Central PSU employees who are actually coming on transfer after 30` September

up to 30th November subject to availability of
Up to 30-11-2011

Notification for vacancy at Regional & KV Level for Class II onwards

25-06-2011 to 30-06-2011
Admission test (Class IX only)
01-07-2011 to 04-07-2011
Display of admission test & list
08-07-2011 to 11-07-2011

* Subject to availability of vacancy in a particular class. This includes class X and XII as well.
            (III)   Registration shall not be done if there is no vacancy or likelihood of any vacancy in a particular class. In case a vacancy arises in future, registration can be made after giving wide publicity at local level and admission can be granted as per KVS Admission Guidelines.

Note:  No de-reservation of 25% quota of class I under section 12(1)(c) is allowed
(V)                 In case the number of children seeking registration is less because of which all seats have not been filled up, the Principal shall issue a second/third advertisement in the months of May and June notifying the availability of vacancies.
            (VI)                As per KVS directions, admissions are required to be made with the approval of the Executive Committee of the Vidyalaya. In case the Executive Committee does not approve the admissions up to the full sanctioned strength of the class, the Principal shall intimate this fact to the Assistant Commissioner by the 20th of April and with the approval of the Assistant Commissioner shall grant admission to children as per the admission guidelines for the remaining seats by 30th  of April.
          (VII)             Registration for class XI shall be taken up immediately after the
declaration of results of class X and admissions up to the full strength of the class should be completed within 27 days after declaration of results by CBSE . In case there is any difficulty in admitting children up to the full strength because of the Executive Committee of the Vidyalaya not approving the same, the procedure as laid down for other classes above shall be followed and admissions up to the sanctioned strength of the class shall be made by 31st of July with the approval of the Assistant Commissioner.
(VIII) Registration forms shall be made available by the Principal FREE OF COST.  However, the prospectus/brochure (Optional) in the form of downloaded/ Xerox copy may be provided to the parent on payment of Rs.100/-.
     (IX)              Registration forms complete in all respects and accompanied by all required   documents must be submitted to the Vidyalaya office within the prescribed date.

    (X)    Attested copies of the following documents would be required to be submitted        along with the application form for registration:-

A.   For Class I, certificate of proof of age in the form of a birth certificate issued by the authority competent to register births. This will include certificates from Notified Area Council / Municipality / Municipal Corporation extract about the date of birth from records of Village Panchayat, Military Hospital and service records of Defence personnel. For other classes, the date of birth recorded in the transfer certificate issued by a school recognized by the State Education Department would be accepted.  Admissions upto class-V may be granted without any school transfer certificate provided the child is otherwise eligible and his birth certificate has been issued by a Govt. body.
B.    For grand children of Hon’ble Member of Parliament and PSU employees a proof of relationship of either of the child’s parents with the Hon’ble Member of Parliament or PSU employees would be needed. Further, a declaration of dependency would be required in case of grand children of Hon’ble  M.P.s
C.    For grand children of KVS employee a proof of relationship would be required.
D.   A certificate that the child belongs to the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe, wherever applicable, issued by the competent authority.  The certificate in respect of either of the parents may be accepted initially for the purpose of admission, if this certificate is not available for the child. However, the certificate in respect of the child has to be submitted within a period of 3 month from the date of admission.
E.    A certificate from the civil surgeon/rehabilitation centre or any other competent authority defined by the Government of India
O.M. No. 36035/5/88/Estt.(sct) dated 4.5.1999 certifying the child to be handicapped, wherever applicable. In case, where the handicap of the child can be visually seen by the Principal, the child may be accepted as handicapped even without a certificate. However, the parent may be  advised to obtain the relevant certificate from the competent authority and submit the same to the school.
F.    a service certificate showing the number of transfers during the preceding 7 years duly signed and stamped by the head of office bearing the name, designation and other relevant particulars in block letters.   
G.    A certificate of retirement for uniformed Defence employees.

Note :

      (I)      Mere registration will not confer a right to admission.     
     (II)     Incomplete application forms shall normally be rejected. In case vacancies remain, the Principal may allow completion of the form later at his discretion.

(iii)         Admission secured on the basis of any wrong certificate shall be cancelled by the Principal forthwith and no appeal against such action of the Principal shall be entertained.
   (iv)    When a child is registered for admission in class I in a Kendriya Vidyalaya but, before the declaration of the result, his parent is transferred to another station, the child should be  deemed to have been registered for admission in the Kendriya Vidyalaya at the station of posting even if the last date of registration at that place has expired.  The registration form in original be transferred to the Kendriya Vidyalaya of new place of posting and a photo copy of the same be retained in the school where the child was initially registered.


      The students of State Boards/ICSE/NIOS where marks are awarded be considered for admission in class XI if vacancies exist.  The marks awarded in various subjects be considered against the corresponding Grade awarded by CBSE .

1.    Marks of different subjects are to be converted into grades and grade points as per CBSE norms as given below:
(a)       Conversion of marks into Grades:

            Marks range

Marks obtained out of 100*
Grade as per range
Grade Points

     * Conversion may be done where maximum marks are not out of 100
         (c)  CGPA to be calculated by adding up the grade points of 5 subjects including one language and dividing it by 5.
2.   After conversion, provisions given in Admission Guidelines 2010-11 for class XI are to be followed.


            The last date for admission and the competent authority to allow it will be as follows :-

Up to 31st July
Up to 30th September
Chairman, VMC
Up to 30th November
Commissioner, KVS (only for the wards of Central Govt. / Central PSU / Institutes of Higher Learning employees who are actually coming on transfer after 30th September but upto 30th November subject to availability of vacancies)


(i)     Admission of children with KV TC will be automatic if the parent has been transferred from the station where the child was earlier studying to the station where admission is being sought and the transfer involves change of station.  TC cases can be accommodated upto the class strength of 55th after which efforts should be initiated to open additional sections.
         Defence personnel and Para-military Forces who shift their families to a station of their choice whenever they are transferred to some non-family areas or posted in Naxal affected areas, can admit their child(ren) on KV TC in a KV located at the station where they will keep their family.
(ii)    In all other cases where transfer of the parent is not involved the admission with KV TC would be done only with the prior approval of the Assistant Commissioner of the region provided the enrolment in the class / section does not exceed the prescribed ceiling mentioned above.
(iii)   Not withstanding (i) & (ii) above, if the enrolment in the class / section to which admission is being sought for is above the ceiling prescribed, the Assistant Commissioner of the region is empowered to grant admission in any other Kendriya Vidyalaya of the station where vacancy exists.
(iv)  Request for transfer within a region from crowded class & school to a less crowded class & school may be considered on the merit of the case.
(v)         A student with KV TC may also be permitted in project KVs only up to class strength of 45 with the prior concurrence of Chairman, VMC.  Beyond this no admission on KV TC would be done in project schools. However, Assistant Commissioner of the region is empowered to allow admission in the project/nearest KV in extremely deserving cases.

(vi)   Children who were earlier studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya but due to (a) transfer of parent or (b) relocation due to exigency caused by posting of parent to field area was compelled to study in a school other than Kendriya Vidyalaya, if the said parent subsequently gets transferred to a place where a Kendriya Vidyalaya exists, his/her child be considered for admission, consequent upon the transfer/movement of the parent subsequently to a place where a Kendriya Vidyalaya exists, over and above the class strength. A proof to this effect has to be provided by the parent.

A KV child who went abroad with his parents on their deputation to a foreign country will be admitted to corresponding class on their return to India by the Principal of concerned Kendriya Vidyalaya.


(a)  Admission of Non eligible cases in class XI (Science) within the class strength are to be decided by the Commissioner, KVS on case  to case basis.
(b)   Last date for admission for the children of the Embassy who come on transfer can be relaxed.

Automatic admission of children in the Kendriya Vidyalayas on the basis of transfer certificate issued by the CBSE affiliated schools run by Armed Forces (e.g Army, Air Force, Navy) will be entertained only if the parent has been transferred to that place or has desired to settle at the place after his retirement., provided no such school/class (run by Armed Forces) is available at new place of posting/settlement. This provision shall be applicable to schools run by Indian Coast Guard also. (F.110332/2008-KVS(Acad.) dt.01.07.2009)
It is clarified that above provisions are only for the wards of Defence personnel viz. sons & daughters only. This will not include the grand children of Defence personnel. Provisions of KVS admission guidelines including the eligibility criteria for age and marks will be followed in letter and spirit. Also the fee including VVN is to be paid from the month of admission of the child in the Kendriya Vidyalaya regardless of the fact that the fee for succeeding months have already been paid in the school from which TC has been issued for admission to KV. TCs issued by the CBSE schools of Defence Ministry/Deptts/Authority will be endorsed by the concerned Asstt. Commissioner of the region where admission is sought.

The Children and grand children of the serving and retired employees of KVS (Kendriya Vidyalayas, Regional Offices, ZIETs and KVS(Hqrs.) will be considered for admission at any time of the year irrespective of the class strength/year of transfer/recruitment.  However, for class IX, the child has to clear the admission test.
The policy of automatic admission of pre primary students in class I has been withdrawn w.e.f. session 2008-09.  Now all admissions in class I shall be treated as fresh admissions and shall be dealt with as per rules in vogue. (F.28 – 66/2006-KVS (Acad.) dt.13.03.2007)

Annexure - I
To Whomsoever It May Concern
Certificate from priority - 1* candidates for admission
in class I, in Kendriya Vidyalayas
I,(Smt./Shri)___________________________________(Name) ________________________________________________________(rank/designation)  of___________________________(unit/ship/Deptt). do hereby certify that during the past 7 years I have been transferred 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 times  from one station to another, the details of which are given as under :-

Whether moved with family
Total Period of stay
Authority of move


I further certify that in case the above-mentioned facts are found incorrect, my child will be disqualified for admission to Kendriya Vidyalaya.

SIGNATURE OF PARENT                                                                                                



( Countersigned by Commanding Officer of the Rank of Colonel OR Equivalent)

I, Sh.---------------------------------------------------------------------------rank/designation------------------------------------------------------name-------------------------------------------unit/ship/department----------------------------------------------hereby certify that the particulars given in para 1  have been authenticated by the records held in the office and found to be correct.



                                                                                  (SIGNATURE OF THE CO/OC UNIT)

1.  Minimum period of posting/stay at a place should be six months.
2. Form to be signed by an officer not below the level of Colonel or equivalent in Navy/Air Force/Para-Military Forces.
3. In case the CO is below the rank of Colonel, the form be signed by the Station Commander/Colonel/Colonel  in a station.


KVS NO.---------------------------------


F.--------------------------------------------                                                     Dated__________
Dear ----------------

 I am to refer to your letter No. F. 11019/02/2010-KVSHQ/Acad. Dated-11.5.2010 regarding recommendations for admissions  of the children in Kendriya Vidyalayas under Special Dispensation and recommend the  following two names whose particulars are given below:

Name of the Child
Father’s/Mother’s Name
Name of KV
Residential Address


The above two recommendations are for the session 2011-12 and the parents are the resident of my constituency.
                                                                                                                                                   Yours sincerely,

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
18, Institutional Area
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg

Sl.No.   State                 % of SC          % of ST            % of              % of         % of total
                                        Population       Population    reservation   reservation  reservation
                                                                                          for SC           for ST
     1.       Andhra                  16.2                  6.6                  16                  7.5               23.5
     2.      A & N                    NSC                  8.3                  15                    8                  23
     3.*    Arunachal               6                    64.2                 15                  35                 50
     4.      Assam                    6.9                  12.4                 15                   12                  27
     5.      Bihar                     15.7                  0.9                  16                  7.5               23.5
     6.      Chandigarh           17.5                 NST                 18                  7.5               25.5
     7.      Chattisgarh          11.6                  31.8                 15                  32                 47
     8.*    Dadar &                 1.9                  62.2                 15                  35                 50
              Nagar Haveli
     9.      Daman & Diu         3.1                   8.8                  15                    9                  24
     10.     Delhi                      16.9                 NST                 17                  7.5               24.5
     11.     Gujarat                  7.1                   14.8                 15                   15                  30
     12.     Goa                         1.8                  NST                 15                  7.5               22.5
     13.     Haryana                19.3                 NST                 19                  7.5               26.5
     14.     Himachal              24.7                  4.0                  25                  7.5               32.5
     15.     Jammu &               7.6                  10.9                 15                   11                  26
     16.     Jharkhand            11.8                 26.3                 15                  26                  41
     17.     Karnataka             16.2                  6.6                  16                  7.5               23.5
     18.     Kerala                    9.8                    1.1                   15                  7.5               22.5
     19.*   Lakshadweep        NSC                 94.5                 15                  35                 50
     20.    Madhya                 15.2                 20.3                 15                  20                 35
     21.     Maharashtra        10.2                  8.9                  15                    9                  24
     22.    Manipur                 2.8                  34.2                 15                  34                 49
     23.*  Meghalaya             0.5                  85.9                 15                  35                 50
     24.*  Mizoram               NSC                 94.5                 15                  35                 50
     25.*  Nagaland              NSC                 89.1                 15                  35                 50
     26.    Orissa                   16.5                 22.1                 17                  22                 39
     27.    Punjab                   28.9                 NST                 30                  7.5               37.5
     28.    Pondicherry          16.2                 NST                 16                  7.5               23.5
     29.    Rajasthan             17.2                 12.6                 17                   13                  30
     30.    Sikkim                      5                    20.6                 15                   21                  36
     31.     Tamilnadu              19                      1                    19                  7.5               26.5
     32.    Tripura                  17.5                  31.1                 17                   31                  48
     33.    Uttaranchal         17.9                    3                    18                  7.5               25.5
     34.    Uttar Pradesh      21.1                   0.1                  21                  7.5               28.5
     35.    West Bengal          23                    5.5                  23                  7.5               30.5

Source - Table A-5, Primary Census Abstract
     NST - No Scheduled Tribe notified.
     NSC - No Scheduled Caste notified.

      -* State/UT where SC and ST population put together is more than 50%.

Note :-  The above revised norms may be made applicable to Kendriya Vidyalayas in the Civil sector except those meant for Para Military Forces.   



The Kendriya Vidyalayas are placed under “specified category of schools” under section 2(p).  Such schools are obliged to grant admission in class I to the extent of 25% of class strength to the children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group in the neighborhood and provide free and compulsory elementary education till its completion (Section 12(1)(c)). 


1.   Child belonging to disadvantaged group means a child belonging to the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, the socially and educationally backward class or such other group having disadvantage owing to social, cultural, economical, geographical, linguistic, gender or such other factor as may be specified by the appropriate government, by notification (Section 2(d)).

    1. SC/ST, OBC not falling in the creamy layer, Child with special needs and suffering from disability as per disability Act or as defined by the concerned State Govt.


}    Child belonging to weaker section means a child belonging to such parent or guardian whose annual income is lower than the minimum limit specified by the appropriate government, by notification (Section 2(e)). 
}    The income limit regarding economically weaker sections will be applicable as notified by the State Govt. concerned.


1.     The KVS has already the provision for 22.5% reservation for SC/ST (May be more in some states as per Annexure IV).
2.    This will be subsumed in the 25% provision to be made as per RTE Act.  The shortfall will be made good as per the provisions of RTE Act.
3.    At the moment 9 seats out of 40 are reserved for SC/ST.  Now it will go up to 10 and the class strength for Class I to 41 to keep the number of seats for other categories same i.e. 31.
4.    Admission to other categories to be done as per existing provision.


            Since Kendriya Vidyalayas are located at places with varied density of population, they have been categorised as follows for determining the limits of neighbourhood:-

Major cities and Urban area
(All District Hqrs. & Metros)
5 kms. radius
Places and areas other than included in 1 above

8 kms radius

Note:   1.       Proof of residence shall have to be produced by all applicants.
 2.        A self declaration from the parent for distance may also be accepted by furnishing an undertaking to this effect.


Every Kendriya Vidyalaya will constitute a committee for the purpose of monitoring a system of Draw of Lots to be held in Class I or in any other class wherever such stage is reached when all candidates of a particular category or having same number of transfers cannot be accommodated against available number of seats.

The committee will comprise the following five (05) members:-

Member (To be nominated by Principal)
3 & 4)
Two parents (One lady )
Members(One parent has to be from the candidates to be admitted under section 12(1)(c).
VMC member
Member(To be nominated by Chairman, VMC)

An additional 6th member can be nominated by the Principal from the students of class IX to XII wherever these classes exist.

This committee must be notified with the concurrence of Chairman, VMC, at least 5 days in advance of draw of lots and be displayed on school Notice Board.


}  No fee to be charged  from the children admitted under the 25% quota


One set of NCERT text books for his/her class to each child will be provided by the school and other expenses on account of note books, stationary, uniform and transport will be reimbursed on production of proper bills in respect of 25% of the children admitted under the Act subject to the ceiling prescribed (A separate letter will be issued on this subject).