Thursday, February 9, 2017

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan News-Special Provisions

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***Due to heavy traffic, you may be experiencing difficulty in accessing the admission portal. The system is being upgraded. Inconvenience caused is regretted.*** ***Apply Online for Registration in Class-I w.e.f. 08/02/2017 (08.00 A.M.) to 10/03/2017 (04.00 P.M.). Admission under Special provisions would be “Off-line”. Contact Principal for Registration Form.***

Special Provision - Eligible candidates:

1. Following categories of children would be admitted over and above the class strength except
where stated otherwise in the provision itself (e.g. Item No. XVI).
i. The children and dependent grand children of Hon’ble Members of Parliament.
ii. Children and grand children (children of son or / and daughter) of serving and retired KVS
The Children and grand children of the serving and retired employees of KVS (Kendriya Vidyalayas,
Regional Offices, ZIETs and KVS (Hqrs.) will be considered for admission at any time of the year
irrespective of the class strength/year of transfer/recruitment. However, for class IX, the child has
to clear the admission test (The Officials/Officers who come on deputation to KVS their wards
should also be treated at par with regular KVS employees).
iii. Children of Central Government employees who die in harness.
iv. Children of recipients of Paramveer Chakra, Mahavir Chakra, Veer Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Kirti
Chakra & Shourya Chakra, Sena Medal(Army), Nav Sena Medal (Navy), Vayu Sena Medal (Air
v. Children of recipients of President’s Police medal for gallantry & Police medal for gallantry.
vi. Meritorious sports children who have secured I, II & III position in SGFI/CBSE/National/State
level games organized by the Government.
vii. Recipients of Rashtrapati Puraskar in Scouts & Guides.
viii. Single girl children in class I and from class VI onwards subject to a maximum of two per
section in class I and two per class in class VI and onwards. It includes twin girl children also.
ix. Children who are recipients of National Bravery Award, or of Balshree Award instituted by
National Bal Bhawan.
x. Children whose parent is a teacher, and is a recipient of National Award for teachers.
xi. Children who have shown special talent in Fine Arts and have been recognized at the National
or State level.
xii. 100 children of employees of the Ministry of HRD would be admitted every year on orders
issued by the KVS (HQ)( up to 31st July).
xiii. 60 admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas located anywhere in India and 15 admissions in hostels
of Kendriya Vidyalayas, would be granted to employees of Ministry of External Affairs each year, by
orders of KVS (HQ). These would be regulated as follows:-

a) 60 admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas located anywhere in India be utilized exclusively for
children returning from abroad along with their parents after their posting. Seats under this provision
remaining unutilized at the time of normal admissions will remain as such and will be utilized for
children who return to India after the beginning of the academic session and up to 30th September.
Children who return to India after 30th September would be considered for admission up to 30th
November. No special consideration will be given to MEA staff under this priority. All these
admissions will be subject to the condition that not more than 5 children would be admitted in one
school in a year and that the children would be submitting a transfer certificate of a school abroad,
in which they had been studying prior to seeking admission in a KV.
b) 15 seats for admission in hostels in Kendriya Vidyalayas would be allotted to the children
whose parents are going abroad on a posting to station, which does not have adequate educational
facilities. The required information in this respect would need to be given by the Ministry of External
xiv. 15 children of the employees of the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) would be admitted on
orders to be issued by the KVS Hqrs. Of these, a maximum of 5 seats would be given in Delhi and
the remaining would be outside Delhi.
xv. “In case adequate number of applications for admission of eligible children are not available
for provisions under (XII), (XIII), and (XIV), Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan may nominate additional names up to the prescribed limit to ensure full utilization of these provisions”.
xvi. 05 seats in each section of class I and 10 seats in all other classes put together will be
reserved every year for the children of the sponsoring agency in all schools except those
specifically notified otherwise by the Commissioner. The wards of deceased employees of
sponsoring agency who have died while in service may also be included under this quota. In Civil
Sector schools sponsored by State Govt., the children of State Govt. employees would come under
this provision. Similarly in Defence/ Project/ Institution of Higher Learning sector schools only the
children belonging to employees working in these sectors would come under this provision.
Admission to class I would be within the approved class strength while for other classes it would be
over and above class strength.
xvii. Chairman, Vidyalaya Management Committee can recommend maximum two admissions in
the concerned Kendriya Vidyalaya/Shift under his discretionary quota. These two admissions may
be recommended in one class or all classes put together except classes X & XII
xviii. Wherever land has been sponsored by DDA for Kendriya Vidyalayas located in Delhi,
admission to children of regular DDA employees would be restricted to 5 seats per section in class I
and 5 seats in all other classes put together. Admission in class I would be within the approved
strength of the section while for other classes this would be over and above the class strength.
xix. Each Hon’ble Member of Parliament can refer 06 (six) cases for admission under the scheme
in an academic year but such recommendations shall be confined to children whose parents belong
to his constituency either by domicile or on account of having been soon-before posted there or
else on account of exigencies of service, migrate to his constituency. Such recommendations would
be for admissions in Kendriya Vidyalaya(s) located in his constituency only. In case there is no
Kendriya Vidyalaya in the constituency of the Hon’ble M.P.(Lok Sabha), he/she may recommend
these admissions in the Kendriya Vidyalaya(s) located in any neighbouring contiguous
constituency. For Member of the Rajya Sabha, the State from which the member has been elected
would be deemed to be his constituency for this purpose. Nominated members of the Rajya Sabha
and Lok Sabha can recommend 06 cases for admission in any one or more Kendriya Vidyalayas of
the Country.

a. These admissions shall be over and above the class strength.
b. These recommendations would be made for all classes except pre-primary, and classes X and XII.
c. These admissions would be made at the beginning of the academic year and no admission
would be allowed after the prescribed cut off date (i.e 31st JULY) of the year.
d. The recommendations to be made shall be valid only if these are made in the prescribed
format provided to each Member of Parliament by KVS (HQ). Recommendations sent in any other
format / manner shall not be considered.
e. The children recommended by Hon’ble Members of Parliament must be otherwise eligible for
admission as per the extant KVS Admission Guidelines.
f. Unutilised seats of M.P.quota may be filled up with the approval of Chairman, KVS.
Admissions under this provision shall be regulated as follows:
i) These admissions shall be over and above class strength;
ii) These admissions shall not exceed 10% of the total fresh admissions made in each school
during the year;
iii) A list of names to be considered will be provided by the office of Hon’ble HRM, Chairman,
KVS. In case, the list of candidates exceeds the number of seats available, selection would be done
by draw of lot;
iv) The last date of admission under the scheme shall be 31st August of the year.
v) The children recommended must be otherwise eligible for admission as per the extant KVS
Admission Guidelines.
xx. Each Directorate of education of Armed Forces i.e Army, Air Force and Navy can refer 06
cases in admission in an academic year for all classes except pre primary and classes X and XII.
The Directorate of education of Armed Forces i.e Army, Air Force and Navy can recommend 06
names for admission of wards of Defence Personnel who are otherwise eligible for admission, in
Kendriya Vidyalayas located in Defence Sector. These admissions would be over and above the
class strength and would be completed by 31st July. However, under this provision no admission will
be made in class X and XII.
Automatic admission of children in the Kendriya Vidyalayas on the basis of transfer certificate
issued by the CBSE affiliated schools run by Armed Forces (e.g. Army, Air Force, Navy and CRPF)
will be entertained only if the parent has been transferred to that place or has desired to settle at the
place after his retirement., provided no Armed forces run School exists in the vicinity of 10 km. from
the place of posting.
This provision shall be applicable to schools run by Indian Coast Guard also. This provision may
also be extended to the children of government employees studying in schools run by ISRO/AEES.
It is clarified that above provisions are only for the wards of Defence personnel / CRPF viz. sons &
daughters only. This will not include the grand children of Defence personnel. Provisions of KVS
admission guidelines including the eligibility criteria for age and marks/Grades will be followed in
letter and spirit. Also the fee including VVN is to be paid from the month of admission of the child in
the Kendriya Vidyalaya regardless of the fact that the fee for succeeding months have already been
paid in the school from which TC has been issued for admission to KV. TCs issued by the CBSE
schools of Defence Ministry/Deptts/Authority will be endorsed by the concerned Deputy
Commissioner of the region where admission is sought.

The policy of automatic admission of pre-primary students in class-I has been withdrawn w.e.f.
session 2008-09. Now all admissions in class-I shall be treated as fresh admissions and shall be
dealt with as per rules in vogue.

4. Children who were earlier studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya but due to (a) transfer of
parent or (b) relocation due to exigency caused by posting of parent to field area was compelled to
study in a school other than Kendriya Vidyalaya because no KV was available at that station, if the
said parent subsequently gets transferred to a place where a Kendriya Vidyalaya exists, his/her
child be considered for admission, consequent upon the transfer/movement of the parent
subsequently to a place where a Kendriya Vidyalaya exists, over and above the class strength. A
proof to this effect has to be provided by the parent.

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